Pengamat dari Cleveland: 'Shen Yun adalah suatu Fenomena Budaya yang Luar Biasa'
“The Beauty of Divine Beings Dancing” or Shen Yun is without a doubt the most aptly named production ever to grace a stage anywhere on earth or in the heavens. It is a dazzling spectacle of color, movement, grace, acrobatic skill and whimsical comedy performed by a remarkable cast of over fifty members plus a full orchestra that combines traditional Chinese instruments and percussion with Western instruments.
Setiap dari enam belas karya bersama yang ditampilkan dalam show itu bagai sebuah lukisan bergerak karya master ahli yang diselingi dengan penyanyi solo soprano, bariton dan tenor dengan iringan piano serta duet piano dan Erhu (instrumen bersenar dua yang dimainkan dengan busur). Seiring dengan itu nampak pemandangan panorama yang diproyeksikan di seluruh latar belakang panggung yang dengan cerdik menggunakan video yang menampilkan para pemeran yang berterbangan dari atas dan mendarat di tangga setapak selebar panggung lalu turun ke panggung (terjauh dari penonton) dan kemudian dengan lompatan cepat mereka meninggalkan tangga dan terbang kembali ke langit. Ini adalah tontonan spektakuler dan penuh kekaguman dengan cara pergantian kostum yang ahli untuk setiap segmen.
Singkatnya, Shen Yun adalah pemurnian tarian 5.000 tahun di mana hasilnya berupa kesenian emas murni, menampilkan sinkronisitas warna dan bentuk. Ini adalah akrobat luar biasa yang akan mendebarkan jantung Anda. Ini adalah pemberdayaan yang memungkinkan suatu minoritas kecil mengekspresikan pandangan mereka. Jika Anda belum pernah menyaksikan Shen Yun, maka sudah seharusnya bagi Anda untuk menontonnya. Jika Anda telah pernah menonton, maka Anda boleh bergembira menikmatinya. Setiap tahun acaranya sama sekali berbeda sehingga Anda dapat memiliki pengalaman yang sama sekali baru.
Sejarah Shen Yun
For thousands of years, China was considered by its inhabitants to be “Shen Zhou” or “Divine Land” where deities and mortals intermingled. During this time Buddhists, Taoists and other religious disciplines were centermost to society. It is the country that had such profound philosophers as Confucius, Lao Tsu and Chuang Tsu among many. One of the prevailing practices was known as Falun Dafa which is based on three principles: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
In 1949 the communist regime seized power in China and its first target was religion and philosophy which it felt was in contradiction to party policy. Even 64 years later the persecution has not ended. As recently as 1999 there have been continued crackdowns by the government to eradicate all resemblance of ancient culture and religions. In spite of this constant harassment, the people of China have kept their culture alive by the secret practice of Falun Dafa and occasional public protests against the regime.
In 2006, a group of leading classical Chinese artists came together in New York City with one mission, to revive the true and divine culture of ancient China. From these humble beginnings of a single company, the Shen Yun family has grown to four dance companies and four orchestras totaling 300 artists touring 20 counties and 100 cities. It is unfortunate to add that to this day, Shen Yun has never performed in China or Hong Kong and has been harassed around the world by agents of the Chinese Communist regime.
It is hoped that as time goes on the government of Communist China will realize the folly that oppression of an entire peoples and that through global communications will become part of the free global village. We are all now even more connected through communication and the arts then ever in the history of the world. Let us pray that the power of truth comes through so that all people may be free. This is the mission of Shen Yun.
Shen Yun is not just a show of acrobats, dancers and singers. It is an event that transcends history and shows what a new China can be. It is 5,000 years of carefully documented history up to the present in which you feel the performance. It is a political protest against tyranny.
Prude Alert: This is grade A top notch family entertainment that everyone from eight to eighty will enjoy. Make this a family experience that you will talk about for years to come.
Shooting From The Lip (My Last Words): Shen Yun dazzles, amazes, excites, illuminates and totally entertains from start to finish. If you have been saving your entertainment dollar for one great show, this is the one to spend it on.
There is still one show remaining for Shen Yun at the State Theatre at PlayhouseSquare on Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. To purchase tickets for this show click here, or call (888) 974-3698. Shen Yun will also be appearing in Columbus, Ohio, Detroit Michigan and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania later this winter and spring. For further details, dates and times go to: tickets.shenyun.com